Shireen Hawkins

registered PSYCHOLOGIST (NZ & AUS) – BA (Psych), MHlthSci (Hons), MEdPsych

Shireen has been working with the neurodiverse population, disabilities, counselling of emotional issues (e.g., anxiety and depression), behavioural management, exceptional children, pre-schoolers, and teenagers for 18 years.  Shireen has studied at a postgraduate level in both Health Psychology at the Auckland Medical School, and Education in Melbourne, Australia.  Shireen has interests in exploring the connection between emotional wellbeing, health and learning. Shireen teaches coping techniques and emotional wellbeing to children, adolescents and their parents, amongst other things. 

Shireen is able to undertake comprehensive assessments for children, teenagers, and adults including Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), dual diagnosis, learning assessments including Specific Learning Disorders (also known as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia), cognitive assessments (IQ), academic assessments, and more. Shireen is an assessor for those who may require Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for exams e.g., NCEA, Cambridge (SEC), International Baccalaureate.

Shireen has worked as an Educational Psychologist for the Department of Education and Training in Australia, and as a Psychologist for the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health in NZ.

Locations: Howick, Highbrook and Pukekohe